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Solidarity fellow workers!


Great game but alas I cannot play with my gamepads :

- Saitek P480 Rumble Pad

- Dragonrise Inc. PC Twin Shock Gamepad

Tested under Win10 and Ubuntu 18.04.

Any idea how to make it work ?

Thanks !


Sorry about that. 

Both of the controllers you mentioned require SDL2 libraries to work. The 6 or so controllers we've tested with so far didn't require those, so while we're tweaking other things about the game in the coming two weeks, we'll grab a controller that also requires SDL2 to work and see if we can trouble shoot it. Assuming it's an SDL2 problem and we fix it, then the Saitek P480 should work on Windows but not Ubuntu, and the Dragonrise should probably work on Ubuntu but not Windows.  We'll reply to this comment again to let you know if we find anything out.


Thanks a lot !

I'm surprised about Saitek/Dragonrise - Win/Ubuntu compatibility : usually I'm able to use both gamepads on both OS.


It was pretty surprising, but that's what the external library we used to assist with controller support says: (In the chart near the bottom that says "SDL2 Gamepad Support"). It might be that other games are using more robust libraries for controller support. 

For now we are still looking into it, and we'll let you know if we find something out. Sorry again those controllers didn't work with the game right off the bat. 

(3 edits) (+1)

I had the same problem with my logitech precision, but I've FIXED IT. I've used a "Xbox 360 Controller Emulator" ( For this game, just download  the version for 64-bit games, then put it right into the game folder, start this app and follow the instructions and maybe do some settings, if necessary. It should work - the game will think, that you have a supported controller.

Please provide details on how you got it to work! I have the exact same controller. I was able to use that app to get TWR to recognize the controller, but I can't figure out the mapping. Can you post yours publicly somewhere please?

You need something xinput.  A 360 controller or xb1 will do.  Even generic ones.


Sidescrolling brawler that made quite some waves about its unapologetic goal, which especially in recent weeks seems all the more fitting to the current political climate and it deserves some serious applause for that. Gameplay wise I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, cause I was never the biggest fan of that genre, but the addition of "crowd" control really brings this game to life for me, especially when everyone you saved starts using their tools at your command. Very satisfying, maybe a tad repetetive, but engaging to replay and to unlock the extra riot gear. 4/5

More Racial Justice bundle impressions and ranking:


Really interesting spin on the brawler. It's pikmin meets the red book meets double dragon.

The art assets are great, characters are tiny but so distinct you'll know where they are, what they're doing and who you should kill first.

Gameplay wise it's a riot (ha). Every level introduces new mechanics, unlockables push you to do perfect runs and it rarely if ever stops giving you this kind of rush of winning against a more powerful enemy.

The soundtrack has a energetic synth mix that keeps the momentum in levels high.

One criticsm: controlling the followers can be clunky, if there was a wait command things would be smoother.

To sum up: 

A fun short arcady and surprisingly creative brawler you will not regret giving a try.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Is there a reveal later in the game, about what happens after the revolution or something? 


After the successful revolution, other capitalist imperialist countries try to invade and restore the old regime. That's the setup for endless mode. 


would be cooler if there was a new game+, where you riot againts the new government, this time the police has automatic rifles and tanks


I really really  wanted to enjoy this game, because it looked like such a cute, fun concept to lead a riot and fuck up cops in modern america capitalism hell. I would've absolutely paid full price, even were it not in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, but the controls and crowd AI is the most frustrating experience. Half the things your entire crowd throws, will still miss. Either damage, or enemy health, feels incredibly inconsistent, and the crowd AI seems to have a suicide instinct, making three-starring (three-cogging?) levels a painful, hair-pulling experience. 
In concept: 100/10
In practice: 4.5/10

Finally, a comment matching my experience. Every comment here is about the politics of it, but I just don't think it's a good game.


Got the full bundle for this game, looks awesome


i like the soundtrack


Really nice! Thanks 


"tonight we riot is a game about America"
fixed your description




seize the means.


A game so nice, I bought it twice!


This concept is so next level and I love it.


This is the kind of feel-good game we need in 2020.


cool game

Deleted 3 years ago

Chad game if I've ever seen one.


Just bought the game, looking forward to play this gem. Bought the full pack cuz of this one, to be honest.


fuck yeah loukanikos is in the game


finally a beat-em-up with a unique approach


Cant seems to get the TonightWeRiot_Mac file to open =(


We've had  a few people have trouble with certain versions of the MacOS Gatekeeper program blocking the game. Sorry about that.

Launching the game through the Itch App seems to get around that issue.

Alternatively, you can email, preferably with the email address tied to your Itch account, and we can send you Steam or GOG keys (or Switch if you have one), and that also gets around the issue. 

Lastly, for at least one person, just setting the Gatekeeper to "allow apps from anywhere" worked. But for another person it didn't work, and that could be a security vulnerability, so we recommend those first two options. 


Opening through finder, right click > open did the trick for me :) 


Hello! I bought this game within the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality and I cannot figure out how to download it...


Go to "My Library", then "My Purchases", and click on Bundles. I found it on page 24 when looking at the bundle contents.


I found it on page 24 as well. So you can go to the last page, then back one. It was the 4th game down for me.


Is this the only way to download games from the bundle?  They should be searchable, or the main site should recognise that I've bought them.


You only have to do it once. They made every game hidden in your library because they didn't want to fill everyone's library with 700+ games, so they only become visible once you visit the download page. After that, they are treated like normal.


Doing it once for 700+ takes a long time, as other people have already said.  The site isn't useable for a bundle that large.  I was going to recommend the bundle to a bunch of friends, but I can't because I can't even tell them where the best of the bunch are in a heap of 700+ items.  Luckily others have come up with solutions, but the site needs something as basic as a filter or search function.


I recommended the bundle to my friends BECAUSE IT IS RAISING MONEY FOR A GOOD CAUSE.  The "difficulty" in sorting through (now) almost 1400 games shouldn't even register in one's brain when it's FIVE BUCKS FOR A REALLY GOOD CAUSE.  Seriously, first world problems.  

(1 edit) (+3)

There's a now search function on the bundle's download page, and they promised to add an "Add all games to library" button later.

Deleted 4 years ago

Awesome game i enjoy it every minute but... linux version seems a little bit buggy game handle some inputs i didnt put or dont take some times my input. Anyway still awesome game(the input is mostly shift key problem sometimes pur comrades dont just come out or come out too quickly)

(1 edit) (+3)


could You perhaps add remappable controls? I thought I'd be able to use my arcade stick with this, but it's not recognized.

edit: Oh, I saw your post about supported controllers. Yeah, my Madcatz TE2+ is not there. :(


I also wanted to play this on my arcade but the need for a right stick to aim breaks this for me. Hopefully they’ll update the game to add remapping support 


Same here but with keyboards. I have an AZERTY (french) one and I can't really play like this...

(1 edit) (+5)

This game is absolutely fantastic I've had a blast with it, I think it was a great idea to have it on the Itch bundle. Also I just love some of the finer details like the cursor being the left hand rather than the typical right or how the truck in the second boss battle plays the opening notes to the Internationale.


This game's timing could not have been more perfect. This is a work of art that's taken a snapshot of our moment in history. We have nothing to lose but our chains! Tonight we riot!


Aside from the internal contradiction inherent in the rather lucrative pricing, (though I don't doubt its market-value is proportional to the labour expended, if not its use-value) I am hesitant to purchase this because of the marketing. Your note about "unique catharsis" stands out for its Kafkaesque length, implying a very elaborate but fundamentally one-sided and emotive appeal. I am concerned that, in the absence of an age rating, players who are young or impressionable might assume that the artistic liberties you took in developing your N.P.C's might be applied to Actuality. Obviously, no one on wants to promote any sort of bullying which intends to coerce action in the service of a controversial or self-serving ideology. If the controversy is not a matter of personal confusion for you, perhaps a more pensive format would be more suited to your purposes; it's remarkable how little thought is actually assigned to the evaluation of Marx's theories, for instance, as opposed to the implementation of policies modeled very dimly after his theses. Solidarity in itself is a very Romantic concept which contemporary social critics tend to shy away from in favour of realism. You might end up attracting people looking for an escape instead of trying to save the World. Perhaps this was your intention? The marketing suggests otherwise. It's actually demoralizing, since it reminds me of those peaceful, innocent South Korean aristocrats in Parasite who were murdered just for what they were, when there was never even evidence that they engaged in the sort of profiteering schemes that Marx depicts in his treatises. One can hardly hold THOSE people responsible for the Burning of the World, now can one? Especially not when their adversaries behaved far more capitalistically, and their Northern Neighbours are Authoritarian Elitists whom even the squatters mock. Yet I guess this is not even about that; there is only so much one can fit into a game. Good luck, and I hope you make lots of money off of it. I'm just too broke to put my money where my mouth is, so I graciously abstain from your Revolution.

Lin Ji.


A lot of your questions could be answered by playing the game. Normally we just send a key to anyone we hear about for whom the price is a bit steep, but in two days Tonight We Riot will be a part of an Itch bundle supporting legal defense, bail, and mutual aid funds.  

So through that, Tonight We Riot and a couple hundred other games (some of which I can confirm are amazing works of art) will all be available for a $5 minimum donation to those organizations. If you'd still like a key, just let us know, but we highly recommend that amazing bundle for anyone who can swing the $5.


The fact that you came away from Parasite feeling that the Park family was murdered for nothing is indicative of being absolutely blind.

He asked a father to step away from his dying child to help rush his own, feinted child to a hospital. The nuance being that the rich will ask the poor to die in the name of petty conveniences. Feel free to take that one on the house. I'll need $15.00 for each additional film insight course after this free trial.


I feel like I have just read a propaganda pamphlet made for people who think they are smart.

You sure are good with words.


Maybe hop off your own dick for five minutes, & extract your head from your arse while you're at it.


Any plans to make this playable via Stadia or GeForce now? I don't have a pc, so do all my gaming thataway.

Know next to zero about programming or games license stuff, so maybe it's impossible, but if not, would love to play the game sometime. Thanks, comrades. ✊✊


Good question. Unfortunately, the TLDR is that we won't be attempting to put the game on those platforms.

The general wisdom among game devs is that getting a game onto those platforms is only important if the game requires a high-end gaming rig, and Tonight We Riot does not, so we hadn't given it much thought.

Looking at it right now, the application process for Stadia doesn't look too bad, but if you are going to do it right on either platform you should optimize for touch/phone controls. My internet connection (I'm the programmer who would be working on porting the game onto these platforms) is so weak I don't think I'm equipped to test out those game streaming services, and I also have a couple new projects that would keep me from looking at it for at least a month. 

So, sorry it won't be available without a computer/Switch for the foreseeable future. 


You list that it is compatible with an Xbox controller. Is it also compatible with a PS4 controller? If not, can I play it with just a keyboard or is the mouse essential?

Really love what you guys are doing, BTW. Solidarity forever.



In theory, all of the controllers listed here should be supported. We've only tested 5 or 6 from that list, but so far everything that was supposed to be compatible has been. We haven't tested a PS4 controller yet, but it is listed as compatible. 

In the first couple levels there will be some instruction on controls, and it might say A and B instead of X and O, but it should be easy enough to figure out.

The keyboard/mouse controls do require a mouse. A touchpad on a laptop would work to, although it wouldn't be very comfortable.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Edit: Resolved. Dev's emailed a steam key and I am able to play. Super fun game!

Just downloaded for Mac and can't run the application. Am I missing something obvious?

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

There was one player who had a difficult time getting a recent version of MacOS's Gatekeeper to allow apps from anywhere. Since changing the setting was complicated, the solution in that case was just giving them a Steam or GOG key, which got around the security problem. 

If you email we'll see if we can solve the problem. Sorry it wasn't working from the start.

Edit: We just figured out how to email purchasers, so we've emailed you to offer some help. 


Thank you so much for your email. I've updated my original comment to reflect.

Loving the game :)


I was having the same problem - but it works if I use the itch app!


We somehow didn't think to suggest that. Thanks for posting what worked!


Amazing Game!

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

This looks really fun. 

Deleted 4 years ago

i really love this, but im not sure what triggers the wall in the second level. id love to play more but im stuck.


There are two big buttons in front of that wall, and the dialog pop-up instructs you how to lead your fellow workers right then. If you stand on one button and right click near the other, the workers will run over there and stand on it to trigger the wall. Or aim and hit left trigger if you are using some kind of gamepad. 

Sorry it took so long to notice your question.


There's a wall where you can climb some kind of white blocks, the wall will open when you pass over it.


I played through the first world and it is great! really good job making an old school brawler with some pretty decent new school mechanics. I'm finding it difficult, but I'm sure I'll figure out strategy a bit better when fighting cops.

Congrats on the release and solidarity fellow workers!


looks nice! What engine has it been made with?


Thanks! It's a Unity game. If it looks nice, that's due to the pixel artist.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

This looks pretty good, will definitely try it! I'd love to see online coop and open source so we can have the whole revolution experience! ;)

EDIT, just played it today, and it's great!

It can even be played with a controller, that's super nice. Absolutely liked the graphics style, the music and effects.

A really nice game, congratulations to the team!


[This is one of the programmers logged in]

There's at least the possibility of online co-op in an update down the road, but it would be months away. If we had known everyone would be isolated right now, we might have concentrated on that instead of being satisfied with couch co-op.  

The team would be fine with open sourcing the game eventually, but right now I'm convinced that it wouldn't be usable or helpful to anyone. It's a tangled mess of both C# and JS. There was a long stretch where I was the only programmer, and the code from that period is almost entirely undocumented, and the few comments I did put in are mostly vague reminders to myself peppered with curse words.  

I hope you enjoy the game! (If you still buy it after knowing what's under the hood.)

Thanks for your interest!


Haha yeah, I guess nobody knew we were going to be isolated by now.

I agree, implementing online multiplayer takes a lot of effort, developing and testing, while it makes the whole game a bit more complex, and it not always really worth it, since these kind of games are just more fun to play couch co-op.

Regarding the source code, it's more of a philosophical thing. I feel like everything should be open, and when we talk about starting a riot, it sounds related somehow :D


We just tested online coop with Parsec, and it immediately ran beautifully. The people testing were right next door to each other, so your results may vary, but if you want to play online co-op with anyone it's free and worth a shot.


Damn, I always forgot about Parsec. Thanks for the information!


Really cool idea.

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